Agricultural technological change, especially associated with introducing genetically modified organisms, also introduces unprecedented questions surrounding intellectual property rights and consumer preferences regarding credence characteristics. Similar new consumer concerns have emerged around issues such as local foods, organic agriculture, and fair trade, even motivating broader social movements. And agriculture has become inextricably linked to energy policy through biofuel production. Meanwhile, the agricultural and food economy is changing rapidly throughout the world, marked by continued consolidation at both farm production and retail distribution levels, elongating value chains, expanding international trade, and growing reliance on immigrant labor and information and communications technologies.
Genetic transformation is a key technology in which genes are transferred from one organism to another to improve agronomic traits and ultimately help humans. However, there is apprehension in some quarters that genetically modified crops may disturb the ecosystem. Several non-governmental organizations are protesting against genetically modified crops. Hence, there is a need to educate the public about GM crops’ importance in food and nutritional security.
This book describes the new technologies related to genetic transformation and other new developments. Different types of gm crops are also explained in this book. Risks, benefits, concerns regarding the same are also discussed. How gm crops play an important role in our economic and social life is explained in detail. It includes information on the gene(s) transferred, gene transfer method and the beneficial effects of these gene transfers, and agronomic improvements compared to wild plants. This book is a valuable resource for agricultural and horticultural scientists/experts wanting to explain to the public, politicians, and NGOs the details of GM crops and how they can improve crops and the lives of farmers.
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